That's me. I was introduced to Pinterist at a room mom's meeting. One of the teachers was telling me how much she loved it. I was skeptical. Until I started looking. Now, I CAN. NOT. STOP. I am finding recipes like crazy - and the ones I've tried have been incredible!!! Also - I am widening my fashion comfort zone thanks to pinterest. Mostly b/c I can't see clothes and make an outfit - I have to see an outfit and copy it. So, there are lots of cool people out there who do that for me. Of course, this usually just causes me to go out looking for, oh, say, a burnt orange skirt like a crazy woman b/c I can't find one ANYWHERE!!!
But I digress.
I have decided, since last year was so much fun surprising my girls about going to Disney, even though they picked how they wanted to find out - that this coming year, I'm going to surprise them without them knowing what's coming. I cannot decide however, how to do it... I've been looking online - watching stories, etc, just don't know the best way to do it. I do know, or am pretty sure, we are doing Disney twice next year. Ever since joining the Disney Vacation Club, it makes SO MUCH sense to go there as often as possible. Or, that's my story and I'm sticking to it ;-)
Ok - wow. i really am pretty boring, I have nothing better to say. *sigh*