Friday, November 25, 2011

Losing weight...

I know, I am the worst blogger... but, well, who cares.

OK, so, you would think that losing weight would e one of those single most uplifting experiences, right? I mean, you feel better, you look better, clothes fit better, you don't scare the mirror when it sees you naked... :-)  really though, not so much.

Here's what I mean. I've lost some weight lately. Not huge amounts, and maybe that's what bugs me the most about this... I have lost approximately 12 pounds over the course of a year... since may, it's been about 5. So, this is no "biggest loser" feat. This is just, hey, I really need to stay on top of this before age and such take over... you know time and genetics will kick your ass every time...

OK, so, yay me. Lost weight, hit my goal the week before thanksgiving, which just means I now have a couple pounds to work off again. :-)

I'm proud of me, and I am happy when people notice I've lost weight.  But there is noticing, and there is noticing... here's what has my panties in a bunch... in the last week, I've gotten these two comments "wow, you have lost soooo much weight, you are a lot smaller" and "wow, just from those pictures of you in June, you've lost a bunch"

So, the first... really, I've only lost 10 since you saw me last year... was I just huge? Do you have to offer the superlatives of sooo much weight? And, since June? Really? That was maybe 5 pounds ago. I try to find the compliment in those, and move on... but it has me second guessing my "goal". Should I stop here and be happy with myself? Or are these people telling me, oh no sweetie, another 10 would be better.

I like me here, and before anyone goes all ape.... on me, I am losing the weight for me, not for anyone else, I have a perfectly healthy self image, I like myself, OK? I'm just not very good at seeing myself through other peoples' eyes.  So when I get a silly comment like those, I have to scratch my head and wonder if people even think before they open their mouths, you know, like ever...

OK, I'm off to go eat now. It is after all the start of the holiday season! Pass the turkey, pass the pies, sure hope it doesn't end up on my thighs... :-)

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